“I’ve Got the Technology.
Now Give Me Back My Time!”
If you are disappointed, frustrated, or downright infuriated at how much LESS time you have now, despite all of your gadgetry and apps, make time for this special event:
The National Association of Professional Organizers in Michigan proudly welcomes
Best-Selling Author and Internationally Renowned
Time Management Expert
Time Management Expert
Harold Taylor
Technology, speed, multitasking, & 24/7 connectivity have erased the boundary between work and personal time. Harold Taylor will discuss the impact of technology on the way we manage time, the increasing importance of holistic time management, ways to control the hectic pace of the digital age of speed, and much more.
Thursday, October 20, 2011, 11:30am - 3:00pm
Red Olive Banquet Center, Plymouth, MI
Lunch Included
$55 non-members ($65 after Oct. 13)
$25 NAPO-MI members ($30 after Oct. 13)
Red Olive Banquet Center is located at 1051 W. Ann Arbor Rd. (between Main & Sheldon), Plymouth, MI 48170. For more information: contact Susan Carmody at events@napomichigan.com.
Learn more about Harold Taylor at www.taylorintime.com.