NAPO Michigan Blog / Media Center

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May 15, 2012

Six Tips for Getting your Craft Room Craft-Worthy!

Lots of people are doing crafts these days. You never know when the urge will strike to work on a craft.

The National Association of Professional Organizers in Michigan wants to share some tips to get your craft room organized so you can get right to the fun!

1. Try to set up zones in the room for the crafts you like to do. Having a dedicated spot to work and having the craft supplies handy will make it easier to be inspired and produce beautiful items.

2. Store like items together. So if you make scrapbook pages, keep all your decorative scissors in one jar or drawer. The same for having all your scrapbooking papers together so you can see what you have and what would be best for your next page.

3. If you have lots of rolls of ribbon, threading them on a paper-towel holder is a great way to wrangle the rolls. If you want the rolls to be portable, use a vertical dispenser made for sitting on the kitchen counter. If you’ve got upper cabinets, mount one horizontally from the underside of the cabinet.

4. Pringles chip cans with lids make great dust-free storage for paint brushes or knitting needles. They can be painted or covered with contact paper to match the room’s decor. Be sure to label them. They can also be stored upright or lying down so they’re very versatile.

5. Pegboard is a great way to make great use of the vertical wall space in the craft room. It can be painted after installation to blend in or stand out. They make dozens of types of inexpensive hooks and holders to have various types of small crafting items. And if you switch crafts, you can move the hooks to fit your new crafting needs.

6. Three-level pantry shelves are lightweight and perfect for storing spray paint cans so you can see the lid colors easily at a glance.

 Organizing your craft supplies can be fun. For more organizing tips visit  

Article submitted by Chapter member Cindy Greenleaf